
Maylia has won a state citation for an essay contest about women’s history month, as well as created a unity mural for her public school. She is a huge equity in schools advocate, making sure every kid feels welcome and has a sense of belonging at school. Maylia enjoys baking, helping others and hanging out with her two little sisters. She looks forward to competing in the Miss Connecticut Teen USA pageant to be a voice for her peers and advocate around issues in schools around bullying and equity.

If you’d like to contribute:

🔹You can Venmo me with a note indicating whether your donation is for diapers or to sponsor aspects of the pageant.

Venmo- @ LiveLikeALotus

🔹The first drop location is at our home! If you’re local, you’ll find a labeled bin on our front porch for all donations starting 11/23.

🔹Second drop location is VIO Med Spa

Located in the Farmington Valley Shoppes at 110 Albany Turnpike #905, Canton, CT 06019.

Thank you so much to everyone who has already contributed—it means the world! ❤️

Stay tuned for additional locations to be announced next week!